Mast Energy Developments PLC (‘MED’) is a public company, incorporated in England and Wales in the United Kingdom, with its main area of operations based in England. MED is listed on the Standard Segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (‘LSE’) and is led by an experienced Board of Directors. MED participates in the lucrative flexible power market in the United Kingdom, which typically consists of day-ahead and real-time markets and is aimed at preventing shortages by balancing out the UK’s national grid at critical times, thereby reducing future blackout events.

MED maintains a focused strategy to acquire advanced assets of varying capacity and develop its targeted sites to fully commercially operating units, each contracted with MED via a master service agreement. This structure is maintained by a group of subsidiary companies or special purpose vehicles (‘SPVs’), with each SPV owning one site. A list of all MED project sites can be viewed here.

MED aims to provide flexible-power solutions that are responsive to demand and creates multiple revenue streams. Its strategic intent is to create a portfolio of small-scale, flexible-power generation plants, with a goal to reach a 300 MW portfolio of safe, clean power over the next 36 to 48 months. This target is in line with the UK’s policy to ensure the availability and stability of energy on a national scale, with MED’s UK fleet of generators entering the market through a Power Purchase Agreement (‘PPA’) with market trader Statkraft Markets GmbH.

MED therefore represents an attractive investment case with anticipated low-risk internal rate of returns (‘IRRs’) of more than 15%.

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