welcome message

MAST Energy Developments PLC (“MED”) is a public company, incorporated in England and Wales and with its main area of Operations in England. MED is led by an experienced Board of Directors, (to be) listed on the London Stock Exchange and which participates in the lucrative UK reserve power market. This market typically consists of day-ahead and real-time markets and is aimed at preventing future shortages by balancing out the national grid at critical times and thereby reducing future blackouts events.

MED maintains a focussed strategy to acquire advanced assets of varying capacity, and to develop the targeted sites to fully commercially operating units, each contracted with MED via a master service agreement. This structure will be held in a group of subsidiary companies(Special Purpose Vehicles (“SPV”)), each SPV holding one or a number of sites, of which Bordesly Power Ltd is one.

MED will provide reserve power solutions that are flexible, respond immediately to demand and create multi- stream revenues. Targeting this market, MED is structured to acquire, own develop and operate a portfolio of projects of flexible, small scale, multiple reserve power generation plants throughout the UK totalling c. 30 – 40MW by the end of its first year, building a fleet of up to 300 MW installed safe and clean power through natural gas.

Aligned with UK policy to ensure availability and stability of energy on national scale, MED is establishing this UK – wide fleet of generators to enter the forward energy market through a PPA with market trader, Statkraft Markets GmbH.

MED represents an attractive investment case with anticipated low-risk IRRs of over 15%.

Louis Lodewyk Coetzee

Date of birth: 24 May 1964 – aged 56, Non-Executive Chairman

Louis Coetzee has 25 years’ experience in business development, promotion and financing in both the public and private sector. In recent years he has concentrated on the energy, exploration and mining areas where he has founded, promoted and developed a number of ventures in different jurisdictions.

Louis has tertiary qualifications in law and languages, project management, supply chain management and an MBA from Bond University (Australia) specializing in entrepreneurship and business planning and strategy. He has worked in various project management as well as business development roles.

Louis has also served on the boards of various private and listed companies, in both non-executive and executive roles throughout his career. Louis is currently the CEO of Kibo Energy PLC and the Executive Chairman of Katoro Gold PLC.

Paul Venter

Date of birth: 25 December 1952 – aged 67, Chief Executive Officer

Date of birth: 25 December 1952 – aged 67), Chief Executive Officer

Paul’s has 35 years’ experience within the mining and power generating industry. He spearheaded the project development of an Intergrated Open pit mine, 4 by 150 Mw power plant and 200 kilometre transmission complex in Mongolia prior to sucessfully rebranding and leading  the development of Ncondezi Coal into an Integrated Open pit mine, with 2 by 150 Mw power plants and 93Km transmission complex. In recent years’ he established Mast Energy Projects Limited and contributed to the successful sale of a 60% equity interest of Mast Energy Projects Limited to Kibo Energy PLC.

Paul was a Certified Financial Accountant of South Africa between 1982 and 1998, has an MDP in Mining from the University of South Africa and a honours degree in Business Administration from Potchefstroom University (South Africa).

Between 2012 and 2015, Paul held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Ncondezi Energy an AIM listed company (AIM: NCCL). Prior to this position, between 2009 – 2012, he was Director and VP Energy Operations

– Prophecy Coal Corp a Canadian listed Company.

Candice Theron

Date of birth: 11 November 1982 – aged 38, Non-Executive Director

Candice is a chartered accountant who has previously worked with PwC in South Africa in both the Audit and Advisory divisions and qualified in 2007. Since relocating to London in 2009, Candice has had over ten years’ experience with various AIM listed entities in the mining and energy sectors. In 2015 Candice worked as a finance consultant at Ncondezi Energy Limited (AIM: NCCL) and then went on to be the Chief Financial Officer for Fox Marble plc (AIM: FOX) for a period of maternity cover during 2015 and 2016. Since then, Candice has provided consultancy services to London based companies, largely focused on the set up and management of financial processes and controls, audit responsibilities and statutory reporting and compliance.

Candice is a graduate of Rhodes University in South Africa.

Candice Theron will be the Audit and Risk committee chairman and a member of the Nominations and Remuneration committee.

Key Data

MED will be issuing 44,320,000 shares to raise £5.5M in order to immediately begin producing power and its own cash flow and fund current opportunities (within 2 months of IPO)

important milestones

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